Everybody Counts / Kristin Roskifte

This is a seek-and-find book where we are counting people, from 0 to 8 billion. We start with a boy and his family, and people related to them. Many people reappear in different groups and situations, and thus numerous narratives are created. Every single one of us has a unique story, we are all equally important, everybody counts.




  • ISBN


  • Format

    245x338 mm, 64 pages, hardcover

  • Utgitt


  • Kategori

    Bildebok, myldrebok.

  • Priser

    Nordisk råds barne- og ungdomslitteraturpris.

    Wenjin Book Award – Nasjonalbiblioteket i Kina.

    GULL – Visuelt.

    GULL – Årets vakreste bøker.

    Nominert – Brageprisen.

    Nominert – Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis.

    White Ravens.

  • Rights sold

    Burmese, Catalan, Chinese Complex, Chinese Simplified, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, English, Faroese, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Greenlandic, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese (EUR), Portuguese (BR), Russian, Sami (Lule), Sami (North), Sami (South), Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish (EUR), Spanish (LAT), Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese.

  • Ressurser

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Anmeldelser og omtale


«“Everybody Counts” stands out within its genre. It can be read time and again, and each time we discover something new. We might recognise the thoughts of others, and maybe even recognise ourselves in the characters. »

– The Nordic Council Children and Young People’s Literature Prize

«When kids turn detective — the best new children’s books. … Norwegian author Kristin Roskifte inc­reases the number of people depicted page by page, inviting the reader to trace individual stories from one image to the next. The book shows enthrallingly how each and every person matters.»

– The Financial Times

«An award-winning seek-and-find picture book with a difference, this tall volume, … invites readers to think about what is going on in their lives, or about to happen, beyond what you can see. A great stimulus for observation, empathy and imagination.»

– The Sunday Times

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